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often imitated ... never duplicated 
we are the original
all about you publication
est. 2010  

turn on your television
walk in a theatre, airport or mall
grocery stores , department stores
disney channel , Ellen Degeneres
the view , little big shots
america's got talent - the today show
radio city music hall,  nickelodeon
abercrombie , american girl  , claires
Book Covers, performances with sia,
and the kenny rogers tour
Cereal boxes, airport billboards, park benches,
city transit, chicago, Times Square,
the runways of Paris , italy , milan and nyc  
........ on and on the list goes
familiar faces of child model 
can be spotted everywhere 
we are your biggest fans
and love watching the amazing
accomplishments you each achieve 
if you love it - do it 
anything is possible 

many faces
have been spotted on our runway 
and signed with agencies 
MMG , BMG and click models

our faces 
have traveled to shoot in 
paris, hawaii, iceland, hollywood
the bahamas , nyc ,  london
atlanta , miami, myrtle beach , dallas 


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